My name is Scott Rossignol. I am a husband, father, school psychologist, principal, and author. I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life to helping children and families in distress, and hope that I can help you and your child as well.
Help from the Principal’s Office gives you the tools to handle the most difficult of challenges with your elementary school–aged child. As a veteran school psychologist and special education administrator, I will offer you these actionable insider tips and more:
I wrote and published this book with one goal in mind: to increase the quality of life for your son, daughter or child in your care.
Are you feeling helpless as your child struggles to thrive…as you know they can? This can be a heart-wrenching experience for parents. Fortunately, there are ways you and other adults can help your child persevere.
This web site and my book are resources to accompany you on this admirable journey.
Even prior to COVID-19, kids have been under what I consider to be unprecedented levels of psychological stress. With increased rigor in academic expectations, social media, and heightened peer pressure, children need our help navigating these and other stressors in their lives.
Parents and caregivers live in a world in which an ongoing pandemic, climate crisis, racial injustice, and a fledgling economy dominate the headlines. These large-scale issues add to the already complex job of raising children. As parents, you need support too!
Scott’s impressive clarity with his writing makes Help from the Principal’s Office an excellent resource for parents. This book is easy to understand and very straightforward. Scott’s writing is also very relatable for parents as we all have children or personal experiences in which we have dealt with anxiety or related issues.
This is practical and actionable information for any parent. Scott writes in a way that is both informative, direct, and easy to understand. Given the pandemic and all the societal pressures kids face, this book is timely and poignant. The infusing of vignettes throughout reinforces the research-based approaches he speaks about throughout. The information in the book is information I can use in my house, with my own child, today.
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